Hospital Update #1

I will be updating here frequently so that everyone can stay in the loop. There is an option on the right where u can subscribe if u wish, and when I post something new you will get an email. Also, feel free to leave us comments we are so blessed by everyone lifting us up in prayer and it is very comforting too. The comments also keep me company. 🙂

This post is pretty basic so I can get all the details posted along with the time line to bring everyone up to speed.

Monday Night

Started contracting around 8 pm so we headed to Los Robles Hospital. They checked me in to Labor and Delivery (LDR). They gave me some meds to stop the contractions, and it worked.


My Dr. came in to check me. He did an internal exam, (using his fingers) an internal ultrasound, and then visually inspected my cervix. I’m dialated to 1cm and the amniotic sack is poking through.

I’m currently on 100% bed rest with my hips elevated to take pressure off my cervix.

Game Plan

-Right now I’m just resting and getting my body to stabilize. I’m taking meds to keep the contractions gone. Occasionally I get a little twing here and there but overall the Dr is happy that the meds are controlling it.
-We are hoping through prayer that the sack will retreat on it’s own and then the Dr can stitch close my cervix. If the sack does not retreat 1 option would be for the Dr to gently nudge it back into my uterus then stitch my cervix shut. The risk in that is the possibility that the sack could rupture which would terminate the pregnancy.
-Another option would be to just hang out on bed rest but there is a very high risk of the sack getting infected since it is exposed to the vaginal canal Which is naturally full of bacteria. If the sack gets infected it will eventually rupture terminating the pregnancy.


She is completely oblivious to what is going on! 🙂 She is 100% happy and healthy. Great strong heart beat and moving up a storm. Ben and our family was actually able to feel her movin yesterday. Small blessings. 🙂

8 Replies to “Hospital Update #1”

  1. Janelle and Ben,

    we are so happy to hear that baby Taryn is doing well. We are praying for you!

    Love, Ryan Eileen Penny and Mackenzie


  2. Hey Nellie, stay strong and positive! The girls in this family Are strong….you know that.We are here every step of the way. We love you 3 see you soon!

    Greg, Kristen, Mckenzie,Hunter (the baby) and Victorya


  3. Hi Ben & Janelle,

    We are holding the three of you in our hearts and prayers. I have a 4 day weekend, so if you would like company at the hospital…food…anything….let me know!


  4. Janelle, you are looking great! I’m so sorry that I didn’t stay long but I will try to get over again very soon! Sorry to say, but Jim and Dillon both ate your burritos last night…I didn’t know until now that you wanted one! Next time you do… just call or text me, cuz you know that we live at taco bell! See you soon, hugs and prayers for you, Love Auntie Karen


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