Thank You

Dear Family,

THANK YOU for your love and encouragement. I’m sorry I never respond personally to each of your comments. I read them all, and they all touch me so deeply. Thank you for the text messages, Facebook messages and phone messages as well.

So please take this post as a personal Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.

Today was not the dream we had for our sweet baby Taryn. But the Lord choose us as her parents, and we are so honored and grateful for the impact her short little life made on us. We ask for your continued dedication to pray for our family as we mourn the passing of our Daughter. We need extreme peace and strength that only the Lord can provide.

We will be having a memorial, and will let you all know the details once we have them figured out. This will be an open invitation, and would love anyone and everyone to be there to celebrate her life with us.

Ben & Janelle

10 Replies to “Thank You”

  1. Oh dear Nellie. We send you and Ben peace and love as you travel this path which has been chosen for you both. As I said this morning, no words can take away the pain but know that Taryn felt the love of her parents and family during her short life and she will always be your daughter.

    Peace to you and Ben


  2. Janelle, You and Ben both have our continued support and prayers. Please let us know whatever we can do to help you.


  3. As always praying. As a parent I can’t even find the words to pray for you, but I know the Lord can turn my thoughts into prayers for you. So I turn my thoughts and my aching heart to the Lord for you and Ben. May he make sense of all of this for you and Ben, and help you to find a smile hiden in it someday. She will always be your lil Taryn, your daughter. God bless you both. Love in Christ!


  4. Janelle and Ben
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your daughter will forever be in our hearts. We stand with you in prayer ….May god fill you with love, peace, and understanding.
    I had the sweetest dream of Taryn last night, she was laughing and filled with such joy, playing in heaven!
    We are all blessed by her, and your faith in Christ.
    Love to you, and your famiy


  5. Janelle and Ben
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your daughter Taryn will forever be in our hearts! Standing with you in prayer…May god shower you with love, peace, and understanding.
    I had the sweetest dream of Taryn last night. She was filled with so much joy, and laughter playing in heaven. (such sweet sounds). We are blessed by her and your faith in Christ!
    Love to you and your family. If you need anything, we are here to help in any way.
    Michelle, Rick and Sara


  6. I am unable to comprehend the sorrow you feel, unable ot grasp the depth and width and breadth of your loss… ao I turn to our Lord in prayer in my inadequateness…

    Romans 8:26
    … the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

    Asking the Spirit to intercede for you today and tomorrow and the next.


  7. All we can say is that we hold you in prayer as you mourn your darling daughter, Taryn… I know that your love you had for your little baby will cross heaven and earth and knows no bounds. You will always be with her, and she will always be with you… Our hearts go out to all of you during this difficult time.


  8. Thank you Janelle & Ben for offering to include us for Taryn’s memorial. I will be there…love & prayers…Claudia, Angela, Peter, Alexis & Rick


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